Wine, Beer, & Spirits

A bar is never just what it seems at face value. Many culinary and cultural trends are presaged by what bartenders find, adopt, and share. Brewing is consistently at the forefront of innovation, and winemakers adapt to shifting cultural tastes and macroeconomics, as well as climate change. I’ve been a drinks columnist at two publications, and written broadly about alcohol (including a book about America’s alcohol-soaked past). Below is a selection of stories, some were syndicated throughout the U.S.
The magic hour [Happy hours for every taste] FeedMe magazine
Resurrecting Hops: Vermont brewers watch and wait as local growers try to create an industry Seven Days
Breweries going the distance; suppliers take on local beer delivery Newsday
Mezcal: What to know about the smoky sister to tequila Newsday
Victoria James spills tea about the wine world Kirkus Reviews
A guide to sparkling wines: Champagne, prosecco and more Detroit News
Bring out your inner bartender with new app The Providence Journal
Lost in beer space: A frenzied taste of Mondial de la Bière Seven Days
Heady Topper: After the flood, the Alchemist’s popular brew lives on, in cans Seven Days